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  • ClearJunk

    Fr e e Quote Simply send us photos and location for a quote Van arrives If there’s more waste than estimated, we’ll adjust the price and check with you first. If there’s less, we’ll charge for less Waste cleared We’ll load our van, sweep the area and email you an official digital waste transfer certificate, including before and after photos. We Dont Clear: Paint Man made roof slate Helium Tanks Services: Services Our man and van waste style services are a lower cost alternative to skip hire. Bulky items and any other waste can be simply left in an accessible area. We will sweep clean afterwards.A digital waste transfer certificate is emailed as proof of proper disposal. Over 95% of waste collected is recycled and taken to our local Waste Transfer Station We Clear: Houses & Flats Offices Shops Gardens Garages & Sheds Lofts & Cellers Much More. We can handle: Void property clearances Post-bereavement house clearances Hoarding clearances Removal of individual – often bulky – household items Removal of mixed household refuse Clearance of gardens, garages and sheds Clearance of fly-tipped waste Boiler collection Collection of building and repair waste Collection of kitchen and bathroom fitting waste Collection of other trade waste And more

  • ClearJunk

    Waste transfer stations we use. Chelson Meadow Licensed Transfer Site Our local recycling centre. Only place we use when in Plymouth. Bay Skips Torbay Licensed Transfer Site When in the Torbay area and we need to tip we only use Bay Skips located in Paignton EMS Exeter Licensed Transfer Site When we are in the exeter area we only use EMS Recycle centre We can usually clear your rubbish the very same day, or a day of your choice. 95% of the rubbish we collect gets recycled the rest gets incinerated so no more landfill

  • ClearJunk

    Grass & Hedge Cutting You can count on ClearJunk to not only meet, but exceed all your needs and requests. Learn more about the services we provide below, and let us know if you’d like more information about a specific offering. Quote Gardening Services You can count on ClearJunk to not only meet, but exceed all your needs and requests. Learn more about the services we provide below, and let us know if you’d like more information about a specific offering. GET IN TOUCH

  • ClearJunk

    Terms & Conditions All bookings are subject to our terms and conditions Terms and Conditions ​ ABOUT US ​ ​ BASIS OF SALE The whole of the agreement between the customer and ClearJunk shall be set out in these terms and conditions to the exclusion of all other terms and conditions. Where we are able to provide a quote for our services without first needing to inspect the location where our services are to be provided then a contract shall be created between us on your acceptance of our quote, whether by telephone or email or otherwise. We reserve the right to vary our quoted price if at the time of collection the information you provided to us at the time of quotation was incomplete or inaccurate. We reserve the right to vary any quoted price if, during the process of the collection, new information regarding the nature of the waste becomes apparent whether or not this could have been ascertained at the start of the process. Any cost provided in advance of the collection will normally be an estimate only. PROVISION OF SERVICES Unless we are prevented from doing so by a Force Majeure Event, we will provide services with reasonable care and skill. We will make every effort to provide the services on removal dates provided but there may be delays due to circumstances beyond our control. In this case we will inform you to arrange a revised collection date as soon as reasonably possible. Where we provide you with an estimated time of arrival this should not be construed as offering any form of guarantee as to the time upon which we will attend to perform the collection. You shall provide our employees with free and safe access to the location on the premises from where the rubbish is to be removed. You shall also notify us of any special circumstances which may be relevant to our quotation, including but not limited to, if the rubbish is difficult to get to, if any items are large or heavy, if it involves our staff working at height, if the rubbish is secured, if there is likely to be a dispute as to whether the rubbish can be cleared, or if we are unable to park free of charge outside the premises where the rubbish is to be collected from. If you do not, or you provide us with incomplete or inaccurate information or instructions, we may cancel a collection at any time, either on attendance at site or by giving you notice, or we may make an additional charge of a reasonable sum to cover any extra work or costs that are required. In the event that we attend the premises in your absence you undertake to provide us with the reliable means to contact you and take payment prior to the collection proceeding. Failure to do so may result in the collection failing in which circumstances ClearJunk is not to be held liable for any loss or damage howsoever incurred. You confirm that you have the full authority for us to collect and dispose of the rubbish. You shall indemnify us from and against any cost or expense we suffer or incur from any third party as a result of your not having the authority for us to clear the rubbish. If we detect or suspect there may be any asbestos, syringes, drug paraphernalia or other hazardous or dangerous substances or materials on site we may at our sole discretion, immediately vacate the premises, and will not be responsible for further collection and disposal. In such circumstances you shall still be fully liable to pay for our attendance in full and for any waste already removed. If we need to engage expert services to remove such materials already loaded onto our trucks, or having been tipped at a transfer station, we reserve the right to charge you for such services, if at the time of removal we were unaware of any asbestos or other hazardous or dangerous substances or materials in what has been removed. You shall indemnify us from and against any cost or expense we suffer or incur from any third party as a result of us transferring hazardous material to a transfer station where we were unaware of the presence of such material at the time of the transfer. Any sharp or dangerous objects e.g. knives and broken glass should be separately stored in an appropriate container by you before we arrive for the collection. Under no circumstances should sharp objects be stored in bags. This requirement is for the safety of our staff. PAYMENT AND PRICE ​ ​ CANCELLATIONS AND CHARGES We may, at our discretion refund the attendance fee if you wish to cancel a booked collection provided such a request to do so is received at any time on the business day preceding the date of the collection by email sent to or by telephoning us. Where you may be deemed to be contracting as a “consumer” then you will additionally have the right to cancel a booking at any time up to the end of fourteen days after the day on which the contract is concluded, subject to the following provisions (a) You do not have the right to cancel the contract if the supply of our services begins with your agreement before the end of the fourteen day cancellation period. It is assumed we have your agreement if we are required to carry out our work within this period. (b) To exercise the statutory right of cancellation, you must provide us with written notice. If we are unable to remove any items from the premises as, for example, they are too large to fit through the doorways, then if we agree, in our discretion, to try and dismantle the item e.g. remove legs from tables, in order to try and get the item to fit through the doorway, if we are still unable to remove the item from the premises, then we shall not be responsible for the reassembly of such an item. We allocate 5 minutes for removal to our vehicle for each cubic yard of rubbish at the premises specified together with 5 minutes for our vehicle team to make their initial assessment of the job. Where it takes us longer than the allocated time for the allocated amount of storage space on a truck (which may differ from the amount of space it takes up when stored) we reserve the right to charge for each additional minute of labour at such rates as displayed on the Company’s website from time to time. If in the sole judgement of our vehicle team the weight of the collection exceeds the weight allowance per cubic yard published on our website, we reserve the right to charge for the whole collection by weight. ‘Difficult waste’ (including but not limited to fridges and car tires) is charged at such rates as displayed on the Company’s website from time to time. Projected time for the collection, and measurements of weight and volume are all assessed by our vehicle team at their absolute discretion at the start of the collection. We reserve the right to apply additional charges throughout the job and at its conclusion. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY This clause does not exclude or limit in any way our liability for (a) death or personal injury caused by our negligence; (b) fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; or (c) any breach of the obligations implied by section 12 of the Sale of Goods Act 1979 or section 2 of the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982. Subject to the preceding, under no circumstances whatsoever shall we be liable to you, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, or otherwise, for any loss of profit, or any indirect or consequential loss arising under or in connection with the contract; and (b) our total liability to you in respect of all other losses arising under or in connection with the contract, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, or otherwise, shall in no circumstances exceed the price of our services under the contract in question. Due to the nature of the service we cannot guarantee that no damage to property will occur during the clearance process. The customer should inspect the working area once our clearance is complete and notify the team of any damage before the team have left the site. Any such damage must also be notified in writing to ClearJunk within 7 days of completion of the site clearance. We will not accept liability for any damage that is not notified to us within this time. EVENTS OUTSIDE OUR CONTROL We will not be liable or responsible for any failure to perform, or delay in performance of, any of our obligations under these Terms that is caused by events outside our reasonable control (Force Majeure Event). A Force Majeure Event includes any act, event, non-occurrence, omission or accident beyond our reasonable control and includes, in particular (without limitation), the following (a) civil commotion, riot, invasion, terrorist attack or threat of terrorist attack, war (whether declared or not) or threat or preparation for war; (b) fire, explosion, storm, flood, earthquake, subsidence, epidemic or other natural disaster; (c) impossibility of the use of railways, shipping, aircraft, motor transport or other means of public or private transport; (d) impossibility of the use of public or private telecommunications networks. Our obligations under these Terms are suspended for the period that the Force Majeure Event continues, and we will extend the time to perform these obligations for the duration of that period. We will take reasonable steps to bring the Force Majeure Event to a close or to find a solution by which our obligations under these Terms can be performed despite the Force Majeure Event. ​ TERMINATION We may terminate the arrangement between us at any time. Termination will not affect either party’s outstanding rights or duties, including our right to recover from you any money you owe us under these Terms ASSIGNMENT You may not transfer any of your rights or obligations under these Terms to another person without our prior written consent, which we will not withhold unreasonably. We can transfer all or any of our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation, but this will not affect your rights under these Terms. ​ DATA PROTECTION We will only use the personal information you provide to us to provide the services, or to inform you about similar services which we provide, unless you tell us that you do not want to receive this information. You acknowledge and agree that we may pass your details to credit reference agencies. You acknowledge that we may share your data with any party listed in our registration as a data controller in full compliance with all aspects of the data protection act. ​ Photography We can and may use all photos we take of completed jobs for the purpose of demonstration or promotional use, We shall not disclose personal information. Photos of completed jobs can help promote our social media pages or use on our website. Unless agreed before completion of each job. If you wish for photography not to be used please let us know prior to completion of each job. ​ GENERAL If any court or competent authority decides that any of the provisions of these Terms are invalid, unlawful or unenforceable to any extent, the term will, to that extent only, be severed from the remaining terms, which will continue to be valid to the fullest extent permitted by law. If we fail, at any time while these Terms are in force, to insist that you perform any of your obligations under these Terms, or if we do not exercise any of our rights or remedies under these Terms, that will not mean that we have waived such rights or remedies and will not mean that you do not have to comply with those obligations. If we do waive a default by you that will not mean that we will automatically waive any subsequent default by you. No waiver by us of any of these Terms shall be effective unless we expressly say that it is a waiver and we tell you so in writing. A person who is not party to these Terms shall not have any rights under or in connection with them under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999. These Terms shall be governed by English law and you and we both agree to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts. ​ Contact us

  • ClearJunk

    Garage Clearance Whether you require the removal of one item in particular or if you are emptying the whole garage to make way for a vehicle, we can make your garage clearance quick and problem-free. Request a Quote BEFORE AFTER We dont just clear garages we also clear sheds , basement's and loft spaces.

  • ClearJunk

    Needle & Sharps Disposal Service Our needle & sharps clearance service at a glance: Needle sweeps Sharps collection Needle collection Needle disposal Clean & disinfection of contaminated area. In addition our bulky waste clearance services we also provide a needle sweep / sharps collection service. Normally these are intravenous needles, but they can be glass or anything that could cause injury through cutting / piercing skin. It is imperative that any sightings of sharps should be reported immediately and disposed of by a trained professional. It is important to remember that disposing of needles, syringes and hypodermics in a public litter bin or in household waste is extremely dangerous. Our service features include: High risk infections from sharps eliminated Disposal adheres to current legislation Surrounding area decontaminated and cleaned When removing potentially infectious syringes, needles and other sharps it is essential that the process is carried out safely using the correct needle sweep protection equipment and clothing. Specialist Needle and Sharp Disposal Services Needles, syringes and lancets are commonly known and referred to as sharps. This type of waste is classed as clinical waste which means that a specialist collection and disposal will need to be arranged. When clearing out void properties we often come across sharps and drug paraphernalia. Our specialist clearance teams are fully equipped and trained to deal with all situations from single needle collection to a property full of sharps. Needle sweep services If you are unsure if there is the presence of clinical waste when clearing out your property, one of the many services ClearJunk offer is a full site needle sweep. Call our specialist waste team today on: 0800 4480183 for a needle sweep quote. Why use ClearJunk? Needles can cause injuries to you or other people because they are sharp and once used they also carry fluids from bodies such as blood. Used needles can carry infections such as Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Hepatitis C or Hepatitis B and can pass this infection on to you and other people. Needles used to inject illegal drugs Needles used to inject illegal drugs will heighten the risk that they will pass on infections as above. Signs of Sharps and Needle Use You will not always see a needle on the ground and therefore be unaware that potential sharps may be present. There are however some tell-tale signs to look for, if you see any of these signs it’s time to give us a call and enquire about our sharps removal & disposal service: Orange needle ‘caps’ – These are small orange, cylindrical caps that are up to 1cm long and up to 5mm across. These are a sign that the actual discarded needle will be close by. Aluminium foil wraps or small metal spoons – Used to mix and prepare mainly heroin these show that drug activity is in the vicinity. Caution should be taken and experts called in. Small clear bags/cellophane – Often the packaging in which the drug is carried and traded. Again this in conjunction with the above is a very strong sign of drug use in that area. How we deal with your sharps waste? All used needles and other sharps will be collected and contained in a rigid box with a lid, these boxes are designed for the purpose of sharps removal. These boxes are called sharps bins, sharps disposal boxes or sharps containers. All collections carried out by ClearJunk are completed by our well trained specialist clearance staff who have many years of experience when dealing with a number of nasty waste types. We tend to find that many of our clients who manage multiple properties have occasional problems with needles being discarded both in empty buildings, and even worse, in occupied buildings. Whether part of a void clearance, fly tipped rubbish clearance or a flat / house clearance, old needles lying around present a clear risk to anyone who may come into contact with them. Our needle disposal service serves to reduce this risk by removing any needles / sharps from any premises. With our fully trained sharps teams, our Needle collection service follows all HSE guidelines and all necessary risk assessments are carried out, to ensure our customers receive the service they require. Call now on 0800 4480183 for more information on our needle and sharps clearance service or to obtain a free quotation. Address Plymouth, Devon Phone 0800 4480183 Email Connect

  • ClearJunk

    Cleaning Services ​ Our Cleaning Services Include;​ Carpets and upholstery cleaning End-of-tenancy cleans Builders cleans Letting agency work Extreme cleaning Hoarder cleans Deep cleaning Request a Quote Whats included in a Deep Clean Kitchen All work surfaces washed and polished All cupboards and drawers cleaned inside and out Sink taps cleaned and polished Wall tiles degreased cleaned and polished Exterior of washing machine washed Doors and frames cleaned Clean internal windows and frames All light switches and socket fittings wiped clean Lights cleaned externally Bin cleaned internally and externally Floor cleaned and washed All cobwebs removed from ceilings / walls Bathoom Bathroom door/ fittings washed down Bathroom woodwork washed down Pipe work/radiator washed Tiled areas de-greased cleaned polished Bath area cleaned fittings cleaned and basin cleaned polished Shower area cubicle fittings cleaned polished Toilet cleaned and polished Bidet cleaned and polished Floor cleaned and washed Light fittings cleaned externally Window area internal glazing framework washed down Door and frame cleaned All cobwebs removed from ceilings / walls Lights cleaned externally Toilets Toilet and surrounding areas cleaned Basin and taps cleaned and polished Tiled areas cleaned and polished Floors cleaned and washed All pipe work washed Door and frame cleaned Light and socket fittings wiped clean All cobwebs removed from ceilings / walls Clean internal windows and frames Lights cleaned externally Hall, Stairs and Landings All carpeted areas vacuumed All hard floors cleaned & washed All skirting / radiators dusted & damp wiped All window ledges dusted and damp wiped Doors and frames cleaned All light and socket fittings wiped clean Staircase treads, risers, balustrades, handrails cleaned All cobwebs removed from ceilings / walls Lights cleaned externally Lounge All carpeted areas vacuumed All hard floors cleaned and washed All skirting / radiators dusted & damp wiped All window ledges dusted and damp wiped Doors and frames cleaned All light and socket fittings wiped clean All cobwebs removed from ceilings / walls Clean internal windows and frames Lights cleaned externally Bedrooms All carpeted areas vacuumed All hard floors cleaned and washed Skirting / radiators dusted & damp wiped Window ledges dusted and damp wiped Door and frame cleaned All light and socket fittings wiped clean All furniture and surfaces cleaned and polished All cobwebs removed from ceilings / walls Clean internal windows and frames Lights cleaned externally Do you have a family member or friend who is struggling? Want to get your own home back to its former glory? Not only can ClearJunk handle the Junk Removal and House clearance but our fully trained and experienced cleaners are here to help you get everything clean and tidy again! We can clean your house if it has pest or rodent infestation. If it's full with rubbish and old food, extreme cleaning is something our cleaning teams are highly experienced in and well equipped to complete. Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning WE DELIVER WORLDWIDE Carpets Cleaned Request a Quote

  • ClearJunk

    Why Use ClearJunk For Your House Clearance? Over 100 5 Star Reviews Fully Licenced & Insured Cheaper and Quicker Than a Skip We Load Everything for You Free Quotes Provided Eco Friendly - 0% To Landfill Policy ​ Request a Quote Providing Friendly, Professional House And Property Clearance Services ​ House Clearances or any sort of property clearance can be a time consuming and stressful task. You may not know where to start or how to get rid of any unwanted items. ​ That is where ClearJunk can help you! ​ Our team can provide as much or as little help as you need. We load all the unwanted items for you whether its old furniture, junk, electricals and we even take items that cannot go into skips! As a licensed and insured waste carrier, we take everything away to be legally and ethically disposed of. We pride ourselves that 100% of the items that we remove in a house clearance by our teams are reused, refurbished or recycled. Any waste that cannot be treated this way will be sent to a Waste facility to be turned into energy. So whether it’s your home , office , business , flat , garage or garden shed , we can help you! ​ Full or Partial House Clearance ​ Your may need to have a full house clearances or you may have only been left with a few bulky items to dispose of. Either way, we clear everything you need removed. Our teams remove waste from all areas of your house, office, or garden. We typically are asked to dispose of: ​ Furniture Wh ite Good s Clothing Appliances Books Garden Waste General Junk ​

  • ClearJunk

    Domestic Junk Request a Quote

  • ClearJunk

    Man & Van Single Items Collection & Deliver Sofas Furniture Appliances ​ And More​ ​ Message for a Quote House Moves Anywhere around the uk We charge per the hour around Plymouth. Outside of plymouth message us for a Quote Commercial Moves Anywhere around the uk Man & Van: Services Get a Quote Select a Service Request a Quote Thanks for submitting! Removals - Logistics - Haulage

  • ClearJunk

    Commercial Waste Request a Quote

  • ClearJunk

    About Cheaper and easier alternative to a skip and we do all the hard work for you. ClearJunk are a new family run business, Built from the ground up after working for few big waste companies previous, it was time to venture out on our own and build a brand that you can trust. We pride ourselves to be efficient, reliable and professional that dont cost the earth, Top customer service is key Nothing is too much work for us at ClearJunk not only do we remove your waste we will sweep up after. From large commercial jobs down to the small domestic jobs, No job is too big or small we are here to help. Get In Touch Today For Your Free No Obligation Quote All Relevant Paper Work Included About: About Give Us Your Feedback How did we do ? Can we approve, Your feedback is appreciated. Send Thanks for submitting! About: Feedback Form

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